Geomatics Engineering Syllabus

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Welcome to Geomatics Engineering Syllabus section.

First Semester

  • Engineering Chemistry [SH 453]
  • Engineering Drawing I [ME 401]
  • Workshop Technology [ME 453]
  • Engineering Mathematics I [SH 401]
  • Fundamental of Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer [ME 402]
  • Computer Programming [CT 401]

Second Semester

  • Applied Mechanics [CE 401]
  • Basic Electrical Engineering [EE 401]
  • Basic Electronics Engineering [EX 451]
  • Engineering Drawing II [ME 451]
  • Engineering Physics [SH 402]
  • Engineering Mathematics II [SH 451]

Third Semester

  • Engineering Mathematics III [SH 501]
  • Probability And Statistics [SH 552]
  • Fundamental of Surverying I
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Fundamental of Civil Engineering
  • Applied Physics
  • Applied Mechanics (Dynamics)

Fourth Semester

  • Numerical Method [SH 553]
  • Fundamental of Geographic Information Systems
  • Fundamental of Surverying II
  • Field Survey I
  • Computing Techniques for Geomatics Engineering
  • Applied Mathematics

Fifth Semester

  • Adjustment of Observations
  • Cadastre
  • Fundamentals of Geodesy
  • Principles of Photogrammety
  • Signals and Transforms
  • Survery Networks

Sixth Semester

  • Engineering Economics [CE 655]
  • Communication English [SH 601]
  • Remote Sensing
  • Geodetic Positioning and Gravity Field in Geodesy
  • Field Survey II
  • Cartography and Geo-Information Visualization

Seventh Semester

  • Satellite Positioning
  • Project Work I
  • Project Engineering
  • Design and Implementation of Geospatial Information Systems
  • Land Administration and Management
  • Elective I : Community Development & Participatory Rural Approach
  • Elective I : Soil Conservation & Watershed Management
  • Elective I : Application of GIS with Python

Eighth Semester

  • Digital Terrain Modeling
  • Engineering Professional Practice
  • Project Work II
  • Technology Environment and Society
  • Elective II : Digital Imaging & Application
  • Elective II : Environmental Modeling
  • Elective II : Land Use Planning
  • Elective III : Civil Engineering Construction Survey
  • Elective III : Land Law

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